
Jump Space

Jump Space
  • Work points are provided to accommodate two to eight people for brief lengths of time.

  • A Jump Space is located near highly trafficked areas of the landscape.

  • When required, tools and technology are easily accommodated.

  • Some level of boundary may be provided.


A Jump Space consists of highly approachable work points that facilitate work for a distinct and discrete period of time between other activities.

For this reason they tend to be located along highly trafficked routes, or adjacent to busy intersections within the landscape. A Jump Space may help to connect people from disparate locations or teams who otherwise would not meet. It can be configured with comfortable seating at standard desk height or standing-height surfaces.

Jump Spaces are comfortable to use and easy to find, as they tend to be located along busy routes in the landscape.
Jump Spaces are comfortable to use and easy to find, as they tend to be located along busy routes in the landscape.