
Habitaclu acustic

Este o cabină acustică compactă, mica și proiectată ergonomic. Este o piesă de mobilier care poate fi ușor instalată în orice birou montând-o pe orice birou existent. Veți crea astfel o zonă mai intimă și mai liniștită cu un caracter bine definit.

When using it, one should grab the handles and slightly pull the BuzziCockpit closer in order to enhance the experience and enclose one’s ears in this quieter space.  When done, the BuzziCockpit can be pushed back on the table so that it is not protruding and not in the way when not in use.


This cocoon can be used as a clever add-on to any offices, but would also be very useful in public places where a calmer atmosphere is the norm, such as public libraries for instance…

It is available in two different versions, one with a closed back-panel and the other one with a partially opened one, depending on the level of intimacy one is looking for.

The BuzziCockpits are upholstered in BuzziFabric, a recycled fabric and available in a wide array of colors in order to be as playful as possible.
