

  • Work points are provided for up to 16 people on a team or sharing a project assignment.

  • Multiple postures and work types are accommodated simultaneously and within proximity.

  • The content and context of the work are present for people to share and create more ideas.

  • Level of enclosure varies with the character and purpose of the group and the work being done.


A Clubhouse is a working area that generally belongs to a team assigned to a specific, long-term project.

A variety of individual and group work points with adjustable seating enable people to cycle freely and intuitively between tasks and activities as they use a variety of fixed, mobile, personal and remote technology. Maintaining proximity and the identity of the team within the Clubhouse helps to drive the work that occurs there. A Clubhouse should offer ample surfaces to display and share work in process. This setting has defined edges with porosity for visual access.

The occupants of this Clubhouse can choose from a variety of adjustable furnishings that support movement between a range of postures.
The occupants of this Clubhouse can choose from a variety of adjustable furnishings that support movement between a range of postures.
A Clubhouse and adjacent Cove allow individual and group activities to occur simultaneously.
A Clubhouse and adjacent Cove allow individual and group activities to occur simultaneously.
In this working neighbourhood, people can easily transition between focused and collaborative work in the same setting.
In this working neighbourhood, people can easily transition between focused and collaborative work in the same setting.